We have happy customers! Many of our sales are referral sales. We do advertise from time to time, and you can find us in Gundogbreeders.com, Puppyfind.com and gundogsonline.com
What our customers are saying about us!

From Christy: Boomer is on his way this year (2022) to collecting lots of bling! We did two AKC Scentwork trials yesterday in Tallahassee and Boomer really blew it out of the water! He went 8 for 8 runs getting Q’s in all of them, but then got 7 first place ribbons and 1 third place ribbon. He got all 4 Novice Scentwork Titles and his SWN overall title. He also got HIT(high in trial) for both trials! He ROCKED it big time!
Christy ReifsneiderCNWI, CPDT-KA, AKC CGC EvaluatorAPDT member
Joan’s note: BOOMER is from LIBBY’S litter in 2019. Libby is now retired..
Update from Lora: Mocha was born on 2-12-2020 (Wilderland’s Fiona Mac Cumhaill “Hank” & Leawyn Elizabeth of Wilderland “Libby” daughter). She has been working hard to make her paw print on the world. Not only did she have a fantastic 2020 hunting season at only nine months old, she has also earned the following: 1.) AKC STAR PUPPY; 2.) AKC CGC; 3.) AKC WD (Working Dog); 4 AKC Junior Hunt Pass. She is still taking agility classes and has now added tracking classes to our schedule starting this weekend. I am certain we will have more to share in the future.
From Lora: Earlier this year I had a deposit on my very first English Cocker Spaniel puppy from a litter coming out of Kansas. I was so excited. A few days before the bitch was to whelp the breeder realized there were no puppies. I was contacted and told that my deposit would be returned and another attempt at breeding would occur next year. I was heartbroken. My husband encouraged me not to lose faith and we started browsing the breeders and listings on Gun Dog Central. While scrolling through we came upon Joan Newpeck and Wilderland Kennels. She had a few pictures posted and her puppies were the dearest things I had ever seen. These puppies could go to their new homes in April but it was already March. What were the chances there was going to be an available female puppy for me when there was only one girl from this litter. With my heart pounding I emailed an inquiry to Joan. Not only did she respond right away but she also told me that the deposit on her only female had been dropped the day prior to my asking. After a few more emails and a chat on the telephone, my deposit check was on its way to Georgia for a little southern belle I would call, Mocha. Joan began using Mocha’s name when interacting with her and sent me regular updates with pictures and videos. When we made the journey from PA to GA to pick up my girl we were in the thick of Covid. While we kept our distance Joan was still very welcoming and answered all of my questions. She sent Mocha on her way with lots of goodies (piddle pads food, water & a sweet little stuffed hedgehog) and also a nice big bag of fresh pecans for my hubby and I. Mocha is my first experience with an English Cocker Spaniel. She is beautiful, intelligent & so eager to please. Just shy of 9 months old she has already put up over 50 pheasant flushes and happily does her best to bring them back when our shooting is on target. (Our pheasant season has only been in for a little over a week) She sailed through Puppy Kindergarten and earned her AKC Star Certificate. She will test for the AKC Canine Good Citizen in a few months and has also started training in agility showing early promise.Mocha is my best friend and side kick. There is nothing I have asked her to do that she hasn’t been eager to accommodate. Her sock stealing, insatiable appetite, furious tail wagging and smiling face always make me smile.I will be forever grateful to Joan and her fantastic breeding program for giving me Mocha. I would recommend to any and all looking for an ECS to reach out to her.
From Christy: We cannot thank you enough for our newest family member. Boomer is awesome! He is all we hoped for and more. He is super smart, fun-loving, energetic, adventurous, friendly, always willing to do something with us, and has the most wonderful nose for Nose Work! Thank you for working so closely and patiently to answer all our questions and to help us select just the right puppy. The Aussies love him and they all get along super well! He has already earned his AKC trick dog Novice and Intermediate titles at just 10 months old and we are looking forward to getting to compete in nose work, rally, obedience, dock diving and agility in the future. We appreciate all your dedication, time and care in developing and raising such an amazing puppy! – Christy Reifsneider CNWI, CPDT-KA, AKC CGC Evaluator, APDT member . Christy’s update in August: Boomer just passed his ORTs (odor recognition tests) for NACSW trialing yesterday. I am so proud of him! He created quite the stir there- “his ears look so silky”, “he is the sweetest, happiest dog”, “did he just drink some water, then go stand in front of that fan to cool himself off? So smart!”, “best little dog ever, look how happy he is working”, “does that tail ever stop working?”, “how long have you had this breed?”, “oh he is so sweet”, “he’s beautiful”, “I love the long tail”, and the comments went on and on from everyone, not just a couple of people. He seemed to have his own followers. We had a great day together for sure.ORT- area you have never searched before at a location you have never been to before, 12 boxes, one of them has the target odor, 3 min for you and your dog to correctly call alert at the correct box. You run one run finding birch, one finding anise and one finding clove. So proud of him! Seeing a bright future for him in Nose Work! Boomer’s times: Birch 27 sec, Anise-21 sec, Clove- 16 sec. He was amazing and even better, traveled well and was calm in the crate in the car waiting his turn. 27lbs of constant motion from early morning to late at night. He is such a dichotomy! He is head strong and willfull yet comes along and leaves the most exciting of things even with the sweetest, softest of cues from me. He is go, go, go, busy, busy, busy, with work, work, work all day long but once he finally crashes he loves to snuggle and be petted or lay in my lap. He is super bold and confident about himself and what he can do, but a bit submissive and unsure with people and dogs who make sudden moves toward him. He can play with the roughest dogs or with the softest, shyest. He is super intelligent-no dichotomy there at all. We have to keep thinking up new tricks and games for him constantly to keep him satisfied mentally. He is in short awesome and I would not trade him for a million dollars! Christy Reifsneider CNWI, CPDT-KA, AKC CGC Evaluator, APDT member
From Todd: Ollie retrieving a duck dummy, but he will He go get anything and doesn’t want to quit. Dogs are are wonderful to have around now, and in more normal times too. . . . .
From Leah: Stu with Lindy(L) and Ginger(R). Ginger is 5 months old and learning from her older sister. When not in training, Ginger is our daughter’s constant companion and playmate. Lindy is the best family dog too! My girls love her so much! My 1 year old leads her and she heels for her. I can’t say enough about Lindy and this breed!
(Joan’s note – Lindy is from Viper’s 2014 litter)
From Andrea: I just wanted to send you a picture of Cody on his first birthday and please feel free to post on your website! Cody is such a blessing to our family. He is a wonderful family dog and is so good and always wants to please his family. We just absolutely adore him and cannot imagine our lives without his sweet, loving and laughable personality in our lives! Thank you!!!
(Cody is from a Viper/Rumble litter, a breeding we repeated in 2016.)
From Sherry: (Our first video!) I bought a puppy from Joni 8 months ago and we named him Ozzie from the time we got him he was just a lovely animal he has made a super nice house pet plus we are working him for the field as we do pheasant hunts in the winter time and also go to Georgia for quail work in the fall Ozzie has been retrieving dead birds to hand since he was 4 months old he trains extremely easily he has been hunting birds for 3 months and finding birds and retrieving kills he is an amazing dog I wish I had a kennel full of them and I will be buying another one.

From Katie: I purchased my beloved Teddy Ballgame from Wilderland Kennels in November of 2014. I couldn’t be happier with my puppy! Teddy has the sweetest disposition and is extremely smart. He loves all people, dogs and children. Joan was a pleasure to work with and answered all my questions. If you are considering getting an English Cocker, definitely get it from Wilderland!
- From Melvin and Lisa “Our English Cocker female (Princess Leia 9/1/2014)) obtained from breeder Joan Newpeck at Wilderland Kennels is nothing short of outstanding. At only a few weeks old our pup displays so many great working dog qualities for pointing, retrieving, obedience and ease of training. In fact the pup has natural born instincts and it is the owner that needs to be trained and allow this purebred to do her work. We could not be more pleased with Joan’s selection of canine mating. The sire and dam come from field champion stock and coupled with Joan’s years of experience it shows. Without reservation we recommend Joan and would return to her first should we add to our number of dogs”.

From Ron: I thought you might like an update on Abbey (5/26/2014 litter, now living in Ocala, FL). She’s a great dog and her disposition is fantastic. Thanks for a great companion!
- From Vicky: I just wanted to let you know how pleased we are with Kip. His temperament is wonderful and he is very smart. I hate to gush too much since it’s early in his life, but he sleeps all night, goes to the back door when he needs to go out, gets along with Hannah’s dog, torments our cat, and generally has been so fun! Even Steve (who has never wanted a house dog) admits to liking him–he’s even been caught holding and playing with Kip. He also has really good conformation and carries himself proudly.

My name is Kimberly and my father in law, bought a puppy from you in July of 2011. She was born on May 29, 2011 and we named her Molly. I just wanted to tell you that she has brought so much joy to our lives and is simply perfect!! She love to run, play, swim and hunt! I just wanted to tell you thank you as I could not imagine my life without her! I hope all the puppies you have sold are as great as our girl. I have attached a picture of Molly.